Beyond Friendship: The Power of Having Spiritual Girlfriends

Beyond Friendship: The Power of Having Spiritual Girlfriends

In a world where women juggle careers, family, and personal life, having a circle of supportive girlfriends can give you balance but, having a tribe of spiritual girlfriends can make all the difference in the world. Women who stand by you, pray for you, encourage you, celebrate your successes, and support you during your challenges and hold you accountable to whom and what God has called and chosen you to be.

As a woman passionate about crafting unique designs that empower and celebrate the authenticity of women, I have come to realize how imperative it is to have a circle of friends who uplift me spiritually. Let me explain and give you a little context...

Some, if not most, have heard the popular Bible story in Mark 2:1-5, about how Jesus healed the paralyzed man who was brought in through a roof by his friends. The sick man obviously couldn't get to Jesus on his own, so his four friends hauled him on a pallet and lowered him down through a hole in the roof where Jesus was because, it was so crowded with people who had come to see and hear Jesus preach. If you read on, you find out that the paralyzed man wasn't healed by his own faith, but by the faith of his friends. You see, his friends took the initiative to take him to Jesus. Maybe the crippled man didn't have enough faith in Christ or maybe he didn't realize he was paralyzed to begin with. Maybe his immobilization wasn't a physical one-maybe it represented a toxic mindset or behavior that incapacitated him.

There is so much more to unpack in those Bible verses and I'm not gonna even go into faith and how Jesus saw their faith, He didn't hear it, but saw it; and how the faith part takes works part...unless y'all wanna go to church? 

But, the part of this Bible story that I want to focus on is the fact that the faith of the friends, even today, play an indispensable role in healing and bringing a broken, captive, immobilized people to Jesus. Like friends in the scripture, we all know some who are paralyzed with anxiety, grief, worry, addiction, self-destructive behaviors, depression, loneliness, over-consumption and even the need for forgiveness from others or forgiveness from themselves. These four friends were significant because they saw the need and took the initiative to move swiftly and purposefully on behalf of their sick friend. 

Do you have friends like these? I hope so, and if not, I pray that you discover some.

 Let’s explore why nurturing spiritual friendships and having spiritual girlfriends are so vital for healing, personal growth, spiritual growth, professional growth, and success.  


1. Spiritual Girlfriends Encourage You to Grow 

The key word is "growth". Spiritual girlfriends remind you of what truly matters. They encourage you to grow, seek personal and professional development, and stay connected to your values and beliefs. Whether through prayer, shared experiences, or simply being a sounding board for your thoughts, these friends help you become the best version of yourself.  

2. They Pray for You and Lift You Up 

How beautiful and empowering it is to know that someone is praying for you. Spiritual girlfriends are those who genuinely care about your well-being and take the time to pray for your success, health, and happiness. Their prayers can provide comfort and strength, especially when you’re facing difficulties. It’s a reminder that you’re not alone and that someone is thinking of you.  

3. They Unlock Success

True friends are Key Masters. They are "the plugs". They are not gatekeepers. They are genuinely happy for all your wins. Spiritual girlfriends rejoice in your achievements as if they were their own. They understand that your success doesn’t take away from theirs. Instead, they see it as a testament to what’s possible when women support one another. Their encouragement and excitement can fuel your confidence and motivate you to reach even greater heights.  

4. They Offer Unconditional Support  

Life is full of ups and downs, and it’s during those challenging times that you need support the most. Spiritual girlfriends provide a safe space where you can share your struggles without judgment. They offer a shoulder to cry on, advice when you seek it, and a comforting presence that assures you everything will be okay. Their unconditional support is a source of strength that helps you navigate life’s challenges. 

5. They Share Your Values and Beliefs

This is important. This is where "Relational Intelligence"  should kick in because this is how you identify who your spiritual girlfriends are because, they are essentially your "purpose partners" : the ones who can help you reach your God-given purpose. You can engage with them in purposeful conversations about faith, spirituality, and life’s deeper questions. These discussions can provide clarity, inspiration, and a sense of connection that’s deeply fulfilling. Sharing your spiritual journey with like-minded friends can also reinforce your beliefs and strengthen your connection to your faith.  

There's so much that having spiritual girlfriends can potentially unlock! 

Here, at Sunni Dineen Handcrafted Design, I’m passionate about creating unique designs that celebrate personal-style and connection. Just like a piece of jewelry can enhance your style, spiritual girlfriends enhance your life. Nurturing friendships with "good girlfriends" can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Spiritual girlfriends provide the support, encouragement, and inspiration that empower you to live authentically and pursue your purpose and dreams with confidence.  

So, let’s celebrate the incredible power of friendship. Reach out to your girlfriends, nurture those connections, and remember that you’re never alone on this journey.  

To be honest, I need to do a lot more work on nurturing those connections and friendships and that's what I plan to do the second half of 2024. 

If you enjoyed this blog post, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Share your experiences with spiritual girlfriends in the comments below, or tag us on social media "@sunnidineen" with your stories. Don’t forget to explore our latest collections, inspired by and for women who love to make a statement through their personal style.

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